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OT for the Summer

Agave Occupational Therapy Solutions provides therapy for multiple schools throughout the valley. During the school year students receive therapy while at school. However, during the summer months those kids that regularly receive occupational therapy in the schools miss months of valuable occupational therapy time. This can cause a decrease in fine motor skills and a more difficult transition back to school. Give your child a step up this summer by continuing the OT goals on their IEP! 


Sessions are $120 an hour or $60 for the half hour. Time is based on what is recommended on the IEP, but more time can be added.


It’s easy to sign up:
1. Upload your child’s most current Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team (MET) report and the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) at the bottom of this page. 
2. Select "Book Now" and then pick the dates and times from our service calendar. 
3. Sessions can be paid for online at time of sign up.

Upload your child’s most current Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team (MET) report and the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) here:
Upload Files

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© 2023 by Agave Occupational Therapy Solutions.

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